
Giving YOU Liberty

to choose YOUR coverage!

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Your Independent Source for Renter’s Insurance!

If you are renting a home or apartment, renter’s insurance is something you need to consider.   When a home buyer buys a house, the mortgage company requires insurance to protect it’s investment and these policies typically cover the contents to certain amounts.  As a renter, there is no safety net if there is a fire, theft, damage, accident, or catastrophe.   Renter’s insurance is extremely affordable and will help get life back to normal in the event that you need to use it.  Get peace of mind by getting great renter’s insurance coverage from the experts.


Independent Renter’s Insurance Provider

As an independent source for renter’s insurance, we shop the best prices for renter’s insurance across many insurance providers.  We insure that the coverages are alike in order to get the savings passed on to you.  Other insurance companies only have one insurance carrier…  Do you know you are getting the best price with the best renter’s insurance coverage?

As renter’s insurance experts a periodic review of your renter insurance program helps you save money and keep your protection up-to-date with your changing needs. Give us a call to schedule a time for a review, we look forward to helping you be protected and save money at the same time!

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